Real-time renderer written from scratch in Java using LWJGL and OpenGL.
I decided to start this personal project after my first year at university, to better understand the fundamentals of real-time graphics rendering. My goal was to further understand how an OpenGL application works through hands-on experience implementing rendering techniques.
Thus, in this project, I designed and implemented the architecture of a real-time scene renderer, progressively adding rendering capabilities and extending the core engine with more interesting graphics features.
The application was written from scratch in Java and makes use of the OpenGL graphics API for rendering. It started being a simple OpenGL application to draw a triangle on the screen (trust me- I was very excited to see it render for the first time!), and it evolved to a more powerful renderer capable of drawing a scene with different meshes, applying lighting models and post-processing effects amongst others!
On the meantime, you can check the project in my GitHub.